Is It Normal To Kiss Your Parents On The Lips

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Is It Okay For Parents To Kiss Their Child On The Lips? - Vidar

Is It Normal to Kiss Your Parents on the Lips?

Growing up, I had a close relationship with my parents. We would often hug and kiss each other goodbye. Sometimes, we would even kiss each other on the lips. As I got older, I began to wonder if it was normal to kiss your parents on the lips. I mean, it’s a natural expression of affection, but does it cross a line?

I decided to do some research on the topic, and I found that there is no definitive answer. Some experts say that it is perfectly normal to kiss your parents on the lips, while others say that it can be confusing for children and can lead to inappropriate behavior.

The History of Kissing Parents

The practice of kissing parents on the lips dates back to ancient times. In many cultures, it was seen as a sign of respect and affection. In some cultures, it was even considered to be a religious practice. In the United States, the practice of kissing parents on the lips was once very common, but it has become less common in recent years.

There are a number of reasons why the practice of kissing parents on the lips has become less common in the United States. One reason is that it has become more taboo in recent years. In many cultures, it is now seen as being inappropriate for adults to kiss children on the lips. Another reason why the practice of kissing parents on the lips has become less common is that it is now seen as being more confusing for children. In many cases, children may not understand the difference between a kiss on the lips and a sexual kiss.

The Pros and Cons of Kissing Parents on the Lips

There are a number of pros and cons to kissing parents on the lips.


  • It can be a natural expression of affection.
  • It can help to strengthen the bond between parent and child.
  • It can teach children about healthy relationships.


  • It can be confusing for children.
  • It can lead to inappropriate behavior.
  • It can be seen as being taboo.

Tips for Parents Who Want to Kiss Their Children

If you are a parent who wants to kiss your children, there are a few things you can do to make sure that it is a positive experience for both of you.

  • Start by kissing your children on the cheek or forehead.
  • As they get older, you can gradually move to kissing them on the lips.
  • Make sure that your children understand the difference between a kiss on the lips and a sexual kiss.
  • Talk to your children about your values and beliefs regarding kissing.

Expert Advice

Experts have weighed in on the issue of kissing parents on the lips, and they have a variety of opinions.

Some experts believe that it is perfectly normal to kiss your parents on the lips. They argue that it is a natural expression of affection and that it can help to strengthen the bond between parent and child. Other experts believe that it is best to avoid kissing children on the lips, as it can be confusing for them and can lead to inappropriate behavior. Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to kiss your parents on the lips is a personal one.

FAQ on Kissing Parents on the Lips

Q: Is it normal to kiss your parents on the lips?

A: There is no definitive answer to this question. Some experts believe that it is perfectly normal, while others believe that it can be confusing for children.

Q: What are the benefits of kissing your parents on the lips?

A: Kissing your parents on the lips can be a natural expression of affection, help to strengthen the bond between parent and child, and teach children about healthy relationships.

Q: What are the risks of kissing your parents on the lips?

A: Kissing your parents on the lips can be confusing for children, lead to inappropriate behavior, and can be seen as being taboo.

Q: How can I tell if my child is comfortable with me kissing them on the lips?

A: You can tell if your child is comfortable with you kissing them on the lips by observing their reactions. If they seem uncomfortable, stop kissing them on the lips.


The practice of kissing parents on the lips is a complex one. There are a number of factors to consider, such as the age of the child, the relationship between the parent and child, and the cultural context. Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to kiss your parents on the lips is a personal one.

Are you interested in learning more about the topic of kissing parents on the lips? If so, I encourage you to do some research on your own. There are a number of resources available online that can provide you with more information.

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